Host an Exchange Student

Register Online

Thank you for your interest in hosting an NWSE exchange student in your family, or to just learn more about hosting an exchange student.

Once you complete the registration form below, an NWSE program coordinator will contact you to provide detailed information about hosting and answer any questions you may have. By simply registering online, you neither make any commitment nor will you receive any spam. We are happy to discuss and explore hosting an NWSE exchange student with you!

If you eventually decide you would like to take the next step to host, we will work with you on an individual basis to select a student who would make the best match with your family and local high school.

Please note that the sooner we can confirm you as an NWSE host family, the sooner you and your student can begin communicating – and we can secure your student’s admission to your local high school!

All of us at NWSE appreciate and thank you for your interest in hosting a student, and look forward to receiving your registration.

Thank you again. We look forward to speaking with you very soon!

“Our biggest reward is that we built such an amazing friendship and feel like we gained another daughter. Our children learned about different cultures and how to be better communicators.…

Julie and Kelly from Utah, USA

“This was our first experience. Everything went very smoothly for us. My husband, who was pretty nervous about the whole idea [of hosting], loved the experience. He texted me the…

Laurie and Glenn from Montana, USA

“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. They have personalities that bring a lot of different…

Mark from Utah, USA

“At first when I was thinking of the exchange, could I do it or not… I was afraid… but then I came here and it has been so, so good. I am…

Leonie from France
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